Tag Archives: Ecotasy Boutique

Shop Ecostasy on Earth Day!

It being Earth Day and all, it’s the perfect time to highlight an eco-concious high-end online shop that I’ve had on my radar for some time. Ecostasy heralds itself as being “one of the greenest accessories and home décor collections currently offered in the United States.” And its gorgeous merchandise certainly backs up the claim!

The newly launched site carries products that are sourced to promote social and environmental awareness and follow its nine principles of awareness. Among its selection, shoppers can find tableware, bedding, jewelry, handbags, goodies for babies and kids, even furniture. Here are a few products that caught my attention:

 Bombacha Bedspread by Favos Cooperative, made in Brazil

 Weg Chair by Julia Krantz, made in Brazil

Be sure to check it out, and check back soon for Ecostasy’s blog launch.